Articles | March 5, 2019

Why to outsource instead of recruiting?

Recruiting and managing resources in IT is not a piece of cake. Knowing that, it is worth considering outsourcing services, which gives us access to a wide variety of specialist competences along with the service provider’s know-how. Why? Read the article!

Why to outsource instead of recruiting?

Nowadays companies are more willing to outsource services and outsourcing is becoming a more common solution, therefore its definition no longer requires clarification. Outsourcing services becomes a natural step whenever the complexity or difficulty of business or recruitment processes force companies to search for more effective, flexible and available-on-demand solutions. This is why entrepreneurs are looking for outsourcing partners more willingly, entrusting their processes – either IT, accounting, logistics or recruitment – to experienced specialists.

Outsourcing – for whom?

Outsourcing is a common solution in the IT industry, which is constantly facing recruiting issues when it comes to searching for specialists with desirable technological competences. There are still very few developers and it is hard to recruit those with suitable qualities. How to cater for IT specialists’ demands in terms of the specific employee market nowadays? Many companies take multiple options into consideration prior to deciding, ranging from the standard recruitment process to outsourcing services. Let’s have a look at both options, examining the advantages they bring.


Let’s assume that you have managed to recruit a qualified developer, shared know-how, invested a lot to ensure his development, certification and a broad range of benefits. Despite all the effort, a couple of months later the developer hands in his resignation and moves to another company. Does this scenario sound familiar? As in the given example, when it comes to a full-time employee, the employer has to face the risk of spending much more while starting the recruitment process all over again, once the employee he has invested in decides to leave the company with all the knowledge he has gained.

Nowadays, publishing an offer on a careers website is not enough to recruit a qualified IT specialist. Involving an entire team of recruitment specialists is essential in finding and selecting a skilled IT expert. This is where an outsourcing partner with a dedicated recruitment team comes in handy, taking responsibility for recruiting the best available specialists. As we can see, saving on costs is the first advantage of outsourcing. The process of hiring employees is costly as we put in a great deal of investment and effort, not only in recruiting them, but also in providing them with training, certifications and the necessary technical knowledge once hired. Not to mention the value of time spent on the recruitment process itself.

Flexibility of resources

What if the company needs nothing more than to build a mobile application or develop an existing web solution? Is it really necessary to start a recruitment process to find an employee for such a short period of time and then dismiss him afterwards, once his tasks are completed? There are other questions which come to mind: how to select the right specialists to carry out work and implementation in terms of particular technological requirements? And, last, but not least: can we be sure that the specialist recruited will meet our demands in terms of the competences required to implement new solutions? When it comes to outsourcing, it is worth considering the role of a QA specialist: do we need to hire such a specialist and then assign him to a single project only? This is where outsourcing can also help as a flexible solution. You can outsource a single task or a wide range of services to an external company, focusing on your main business. The scope of cooperation is suited to the business requirements and can be very wide. How wide? We can either outsource developers or development, license management, network maintenance, outage support and many more. It is worth mentioning Testing as a Service, since it provides access to the competences of qualified testers whenever needed – exactly when required.

Find out more about Testing as a Service.

  • Know-how and database of IT specialists

The IT branch is a dynamic one, which determines costs in terms of the training and development of IT specialists. As mentioned earlier on, there is a risk of losing a specialist whom we have invested in, along with the provided know-how and competences. Thanks to outsourcing, we gain access to know-how and a database of qualified, verified specialists. We can benefit from these resources while focusing on our core business and implementing innovative solutions.

IT outsourcing is an innovative resolution allowing us to extend our internal team within a particular timeframe, with no need to hire full-time workers. Why is outsourcing so profitable for clients? They obtain access to the service provider’s resources and a database of verified candidates who can be assigned to particular tasks as required by the business partner.

  • Availability and rotation

Rotation and availability of employees is a common problem faced by entrepreneurs. The unplanned absence of our key resource might be a real issue. What are the possible consequences? Does it put the completion of our project at risk? Would that result in any delays? Will our company be affected?

As we can see, outsourcing allows us to manage change in an organization. The unavailability of resources is no longer a problem as our IT partner takes over in that field.

Outsourcing or recruiting?

Recruiting and managing resources in IT is not a piece of cake. Bearing in mind the current dynamic situation on the labor market – it is even harder to engage specialists in long-term cooperation as they can choose between multiple offers. The recruitment process brings some risk; hence it is a complex and costly procedure. Knowing all of that, it is worth considering outsourcing services, which gives us access to a wide variety of specialist competences along with the service provider’s know-how.

Business Development Manager with ten years of sales experience on international markets. She is responsible for the development of the company's services in the Benelux countries and in France. In her private life, she loves reading (Scandinavian crime novels and professional literature about sales and negotiations), travelling and cooking.

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