IT & Consulting

Implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Renta

Country: Poland
Year: 2020
Project scope: ERP system iplementation
Team size: 5
Time: January to April 2020
Technologies: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Project company name: Renta

Renta follows the strategy of operating locally while developing on international markets with the use of innovative business ideas and new technologies. Find out how the ERP system implemented by JCommerce’s consultants helps the company to open up to new directions in the Baltic countries.

What the client says about us:

“The implementation was carried out according to plan, and cooperation with JCommerce has been positive in every respect, both in the implementation phase and in terms of the post-implementation service. We can talk about our experiences with JCommerce in superlatives only: communication – flawless, project completion – on time, consultants ready not only to implement solutions, but also to propose the most appropriate ones for specific situations. We recommend this company”.

Jacek Gardas, Renta

60 depots in 3 years in the Baltic countries

The history of Renta is not long, but reflects the dynamics of its development. In 2016, a few entrepreneurs in Finland came up with the idea of opening local rentals that would allow customers to rent the necessary construction equipment with the use of a mobile application. The goal they set for themselves was to build trust-based relationships with local customers and to make it easier to use equipment rental services thanks to convenient technological solutions. This pioneering approach and moving away from the traditional rental model resulted in a total of 60 depots opened within 3 years, not only in Finland, but also in Sweden and Norway. In 2020, the first rental was opened in Poland, in Katowice, and the next two in Kraków and Wrocław.

Why Poland?

Renta focuses in particular on the local aspect and on reaching local companies. In 2019 the company noticed the potential of the Polish market and decided to open an office in the heart of the Silesian metropolis, which is becoming an increasingly important point on the map of building investments. The subsidiary in Katowice is the first office of this type (a greenfield operation). Opening new subsidiaries is part of the company’s long-term development strategy on the Baltic market. And this is the moment when the stories of JCommerce and Renta come together.

“When I heard about Renta for the first time, I noticed how important trust and building partnerships with clients and employees are for the company. What makes Renta stand out is the enthusiasm and innovative approach as well as providing customers with solutions that facilitate the use of their services. As part of cooperation with Renta, we undertook the project which will enable the company to continue to fulfill its goal: reaching local consumers, building trust and, as a result, further development on the international market”.

Paulina Materna, Business Unit Manager at JCommerce

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Why Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central?

To operate locally on new markets, companies investing in Poland need an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system that is adapted to Polish legal and tax requirements. Modern ERP class systems, such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, address this aspect of operation. Why did JCommerce’s ERP specialists recommend the implementation of this particular system?

Teresa Bodziuch-Olma, ERP consultant at JCommerce:

“The project, which we carried out from January to April 2020, included the implementation of an ERP system that would allow for the efficient management of the developing company Renta Sp. z o.o. Entrepreneurs in Poland know how important it is to use systems with a module adapting the ERP tool to the legal requirements of a given country. In the case of Microsoft Dynamics 365, it is the Polish Functionality that allows entrepreneurs to settle tax declarations, send so-called “Unified Control Files (JPK)” or import the National Bank of Poland exchange rates. We also recommended this system because it is a modern ERP tool which is integrated with many other solutions, and we understand how important it is for clients focusing on innovation. Just like Renta”.

How did we help?

Five JCommerce employees – ERP consultants and a developer – were involved in the implementation of the system. Within 4 months of cooperation, they worked on the implementation of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central system for Renta sp. z o.o., the company’s subsidiary in Poland. The implementation was carried out in such a way that the client could use the functionality of tax and group reporting, taking Polish tax regulations into account. It was also necessary to integrate the system with an external sales system as well as import sales documents and export purchasers’ data. Initially, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 system will be used by three employees who use the financial and electronic banking modules. Our team also conducted training for the client’s employees and provided them with substantive knowledge of the system.

Teresa Bodziuch-Olma:

“At the moment, the data growth is several thousand records per month, which is not a large number. However, judging by the company’s dynamic development, this scale will grow with every month, and the users will certainly appreciate the advantages and potential of this solution. We are glad that we could establish a relationship with a company with values similar to ours and to carry out a project that will feasibly help to fulfill their strategy of building local partner relationships “.


  • Modern Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central system for company management.
  • The system is adapted to the requirements of Polish tax law.
  • Quick implementation of an ERP system (4 months).
  • Substantive support and training for employees.
  • The proximity of a provider who has their office in the same city and who is always able to assist.
Country: Poland
Year: 2020
Project scope: ERP system iplementation
Team size: 5
Time: January to April 2020
Technologies: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
Project company name: Renta

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